(The appointed Board members from each of the veteran organizations met in our annual face-to-face meeting Nashville, TN on Aug 10 to determine the veteran legislative agenda for the 2025 session that will begin in January.)
The main legislative topics to consider/explore are:
1. The disabled veteran property tax exemption/reimbursement.
2. Establishment of a state dedicated method or program that raises money dedicated to veteran needs/programs.
3. Changing the eligibility terms of the State of Tennessee sponsored “Helping Heroes Grant”.
4. Exploring state support of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for PTSD and brain injury for veterans it may benefit.
The disabled veteran property tax exemption/reimbursement:
Changing state law calculations to stop penalizing 100% disabled qualify veterans for property tax relief based on yearly market value fluctuations. State law negatively affects the property tax exemption for disable veterans. In Tennessee law, TCA 67-5-704 (a)(2) states “Such reimbursement shall be paid on the first one hundred seventy-five thousand dollars ($175,000) of the full market value of such property.” Full Market value is used to adjust (a percentage factor) the appraised value of the property and applied against the $175K property tax exemption. Qualified veterans are having their exemption reduced based on a factor they have no control over. Depending on the county the qualified veteran lives in, the reduction can amount to hundreds of dollars. The term “Market Value” needs to be replaced with “appraised value” established within their county jurisdiction. THIS IS A CARRYOVER EFFORT FROM 2024
Establishment of a state dedicated method or program that raises money dedicated to veteran needs/programs:
TNVET executive board leadership has briefed and gained interest from State & Local leaders and will pursue legislation to amend the Tennessee Constitution to create a fund for Veterans’ Assistance, similar to the Tennessee Education Lottery. Establish funding grants and opportunities to include, but are not limited to, Veteran Service Organizations, Veteran County Service Officers, Mental Health, emergency assistance, outreach and training functions, and other needs/programs that will complement but not replicate existing Tennessee Veterans Benefits.
Amend the Tennessee Code to require the Tennessee Lottery Commission to create and operate an instant-ticket lottery game to benefit the “Tennessee Fund for Veterans’ Assistance (TNFVA). The bill sets forth the commission’s duties in operating the lottery game. It requires the commission to market and advertise the game in a manner intended to inform the public that game tickets are available and that proceeds are used to benefit all Tennessee veterans and their families.
Changing the eligibility terms of the State of Tennessee sponsored “Helping Heroes Grant”:
Change to 49-4-938 (c)(3). To increase the possible veteran student pool from which to select, include any combat/heroism awarded medal (this would include the Purple Heart, Bronze Star, Soldiers Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Medal, Airman’s Medal, Coast Guard Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Defense Superior Service Medal / Legion Of Merit, The Silver Star, Distinguished Service Medals (all services), Defense Distinguished Service Medal, The Distinguished Service Cross, (all services) and The Medal Of Honor)
Change to 49-4-938 (c)(5) and (6). To increase the possible veteran student pool from which to select include Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology (TCATS) and their programs.
Increase Awareness of the Helping Heroes program. The state could strengthen its contact with the education and out-processing offices located at the military bases and veterans organizations and the Veterans County Service Offices could help give out info about this education opportunity.
Exploring state support of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for PTSD and brain injury for veterans it may benefit:
Urges Congress to enact legislation to expand and improve efforts to treat traumatic brain injuries and post-traumatic stress disorder among veterans. This bill, JHR001, is being sponsored by Rep, Reedy. Additional details and information may be found at https://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/BillInfo/Default.aspx?BillNumber=HJR0001&ga=114 . As more information becomes available, you will find it at the website.
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